Rediscovering the Superfood-Millets!

Rediscovering the Superfood-Millets!
A group of grasses belonging to the tribe Paniceae, and traditionally being cultivated in India for over 5000 years as a staple cereal for humans as well as fodder for animals, Millets, has made a comeback; and how! Technically seeds, these hardy crops had been a staple in many parts of India before the Green revolution of the Sixties, put rice and wheat on the forefront. Millets can be grown in semi arid areas with very little water and require little or no fertilizers and additional inputs. Besides India millets are traditional in China and Africa where they have been cultivated for thousands of years. Indians would be more accustomed to Sorghum (Jowar), Pearl Millet (Bajra), Finger Millet (Ragi); Assamese people would definitely recall Foxtail Millet commonly called Koni Dhan.
Millets have not often got the recognition it deserves; and the Indian government is a bid to promote Millet, has been able to successfully petition the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to declare 2023 the year of the millet. As a kid growing up we were made to believe that Corn flakes was a healthy breakfast choice- little did we know that it was all American propaganda to promote corn, their abundant cash crop. While cornflakes have now been replaced or getting stiff competition from Oats and Muesli as healthy breakfast options, millets are still relatively unknown. Millet checks all the right boxes – high in fiber, rich in iron, niacin, magnesium and protein with a moderate glycemic index, millet is indeed a super food.
Consumption of millets can offer multitude of health benefits like reduction of CVD (Cardiovascular Disease), control of Diabetes Mellitus, Cholesterol and weight management, alleviation of constipation and other GI disturbances.
With high fiber content, millet is a great choice of cereal for people with diabetes or susceptible to it. Magnesium present in Millets can offer better insulin response while the fiber ensures that you feel fuller, for a longer period of time. The high fiber content in millets can reduce cholesterol which can positively affect heart health. The polyphenols present in millets offer impressive antioxidant benefits which have proven cardio protective properties.
Millets contain a rich variety of essential amino acids; amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins connote Muscle, which is crucial component for all athletes. Millets can offer a great alternative for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are always on a lookout for a healthy carbohydrate choice. Carbohydrates are the primary fuels for athletes- a carbohydrate which is high in protein and abundant source of energy producing B vitamins and high in essential amino acids- is a dream package; plus millets are rich in two very essential athletic minerals- calcium and magnesium. The importance of calcium and magnesium in an athletic diet cannot be overemphasized. Those looking to lose weight can greatly benefit from millet consumption as the high fiber content and low GI will ensure a longer satiety period. Millets are naturally gluten free- and offers a nutritious option to people suffering from celiac disease or allergic to gluten. With an abundant pre biotic content millets can contribute greatly to gut health which in turn offers a multitude of GI benefits including reduction of acidity, bloating and constipation.
In an age, when most social media influencers and gurus are espousing a carbohydrate free diet, it might take time to accept the fact that a carbohydrate can be beneficial. But the fact remains that carbohydrates, have often been wrongly and unfairly demonized. They are essential for everyone, especially athletes. What matters is choosing a good source of carbohydrates and undoubtedly millets are a great choice. The versatility of the millets also makes it very attractive. It can be used in multitude of ways to prepare breads, rotis, pancakes, porridges, salads, and khidchis! The sky is your limit as they say; all you need is to use your imagination to make the best of this super food.