The Kettle Revolution!

The Kettle Revolution!
If you have been lifting for some period like yours truly, I am sure that there are days when you just feel a tad bit “bored”. The monotony of lifting the barbells and dumbbells can get to the most devout of us. Weight training is a beautiful form of exercise-non impactful, safe and effective; no wonder it is the most popular kind of physical training in the world. However, if one can point out a flaw in conventional weight training workouts, it is that it trains most muscles of the body in isolation and for most parts in a singular plane of motion. To overcome this shortcoming, you can and should add Kettlebell training to your schedules. And as far as boredom is concerned, you won’t have any scope for that-you have to be hundred percent “In” the moment when training with Kettlebells. You let your mind wander for a moment, and the bell comes crashing down your head!
There are many merits of Kettlebell training like improved proprioception, neuromuscular coordination, balance, core and lower back strength. What it also does in addition to this, is challenge the body continuously in multiple planes of motion. You may have heard about functional training, and Kettlebell training is the purest manifestation of functional training.
The beauty of Kettlebells is that it can be adopted by kids and senior citizens alike. There is a large population who shy away from the weight racks, especially the ladies. And at the cost of repeating myself, I say it once again-ladies need weight training more than males. With Kettlebells, females get the benefit of weight training while negating the fear of building muscles. Kettlebell training does not cause marked hypertrophy or muscle growth. So request all the ladies out there-start training with bells. It will burn all that unwanted fat besides improving your mental and physical wellbeing.
Every sport requires the athlete to have a strong core and sturdy lower body. With Kettlebells, both these aspects can be trained at one time. Most young athletes are pressed for time; school and colleges plus practice leaves little time for fitness and conditioning training. Most sports coaches would agree to this, especially in a country like India where most training facilities are underequipped or overcrowded. In this aspect Kettlebells can be a boon. They are relatively cheap, require no maintenance and will last a lifetime. A good workout requires as little as 20 minutes. So, you have one powerful time, money and space saving super tool at your disposal. It would be lovely to see more coaches adopt this wonderful tool; it can be a game changer for their athletes.
For schools and colleges who incorporate physical education as a part of their regular curriculum, Kettlebells can be an asset. Because of the universality of their use, Kettlebells can be an integral part of physical education classes. Kettlebell training elicits positive responses to the neural pathways which translate into better cognition, memory and concentration. A boon for any student!
If you didn’t already know, there is a Kettlebell sport and it remains, till date, one of the toughest sports in the planet. You require tremendous mental fortitude and physical conditioning to perform.
There are some extremely talented lifters coming up in India. I would personally love to see more youngsters take up the sport and make a mark in the world stage.